Being a small business is not easy, there are numerous challenges and potential stumbling blocks. From my perspective, after 15 years as an entrepreneur, one of the most common mistakes is to not acknowledge your value. While it is so tempting to take the business over the cost, by not initially acknowledging your value, you have set the tone for the relationship moving forward. By discounting or providing services at no cost you are essentially teaching the client to expect your services for less, if not nothing. Having been there before, I know what it feels like to desperately want the business as well as getting more emotionally involved, but it is ultimately not in your best interest. Clients will not necessarily appreciate the sacrifice, if they are aware of it at all. They will demand what they want and you will feel under pressure and eventually, you will feel resentful. There are ways to compromise and meet clients’ half-way, but it should never be ultimately at your expense. It is particularly challenging when you are in a service industry and not all clients understand how your business works and why your costs are structured in a specific way. This is not a reason to bow to pressure, you need to stand your ground, educate your client and retain value in what you offer. If you feel your services are well priced and market-related, there is no need to reduce your value. I offer my clients hands-on service from a consultant with 27 years’ experience, I should feel comfortable charging an appropriate rate. Unfortunately, it is a dog-eat-dog world and small business is vulnerable. Don’t undersell yourself and if know that if you don’t attach value, the client will see no value.